The SentryGuard gate is the fall prevention gate of choice for shipping and receiving dock doors and shipping pits in busy material handling applications. Once the semi-truck is backed up to the dock door or recessed shipping pit, the gate can be lifted as now the fall hazard is eliminated by the truck.
The depth of the gate is very small and consumes very little of the valuable floor space needed for receiving incoming goods or shipping products to customers. Compared to a swing gate; which requires large open areas to swing the gate open, the SentryGuard cantilevered gates open upward allowing you to take full advantage of the often limited workspace in shipping and receiving areas.
Single SentryGuard gates have a clear opening for 3’ to 10’ so they can be used for much more than dock doors. Fall prevention around floor holes where large materials need to pass through, pedestrian access and control, and separating people from machinery are other popular applications.
Split SentryGuard gates are used when the clear opening required is up to 14’ and also where height restrictions prohibit the use of a single SentryGuard gate.