07 72 73 Roof Edge Protection Systems
- SUMMARY: Section includes non-penetrating roof edge fall protection systems.
- Non-penetrating passive railing systems for roof edge fall protection:
- RailGuard GC safety railing system
- RailGuard 200 safety railing system
- RailGuard Fit-Rite safety railing system
- TurboRail clamp railing system
- TurboCable clamp railing system
- Perimeter Clamp parapet railing system
- Slab Grabber perimeter clamp system
- HatchProtector roof hatch safety system
- LadderGuard rooftop access safety system
- Non-penetrating passive railing systems for roof edge fall protection:
- Section 05 52 17 – Safety Railings
- Section 07 72 76 – Fall Restraint Systems
- Section 08 67 13 – Roof Opening Protection and Screens
- Section 11 13 33 – Loading Dock Fall Protection
- Section 13 44 13 – Mezzanine and Rack System Safety Gates
- Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) 9 CFR 1926 – Safety and Health Regulations for Construction, Subpart M-Fall Protection.
- Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) 29 CFR 1910.29 – Subpart D, Walking-Working Surfaces; Fall Protection Systems and Falling Object Protection.
- ASTM Standard E985 Standard Specification for Permanent Metal Railing Systems and Rails for Buildings (withdrawn 2005).
- Submit under provisions of Section 01 30 00 – Administrative Requirements.
- Product Data: Manufacturer’s data sheets on each product to be used, including:
- Preparation instructions and recommendations.
- Storage and handling requirements and recommendations.
- Installation methods.
- Certification: Provide manufacturer’s certifications that the ultimate strength of the fall protection system is equal to or greater than those specified.
- Manufacturer Qualifications: minimum of 15 years experience manufacturing portable railing systems.
- Installer Qualifications: Minimum 2 person crew capable of positioning and installing portable roof fall protection system according to manufacturers instructions.
- Store and maintain products in accordance with the manufacturer’s printed recommendations.
- Provide products as manufactured by Garlock Safety Systems, Plymouth, MN, garlocksafety.com, Email: sales@garlockequip.com
- Requests for substitutions will be considered in accordance with provisions of Section 01 60 00 – Product Requirements.
- Structural Performance: Comply with requirements of applicable local, state, and federal codes.
- OSHA: 29 CFR 1926.502 – Safety and Health Regulations for Construction, Subpart M-Fall Protection.
- 29 CFR 1910.29 – Occupational Health and Safety Standards for General Industry, Subpart D Fall Protection Systems and Falling Object Protection.
- ASTM Standard E985 Standard Specification for Permanent Metal Railing Systems and Rails for Buildings (withdrawn 2005) Maximum Allowable Deflection under test conditions specified in section 7.1 and 7.2.
- Structural performance of cable and stanchion supports:
- Capable of withstanding a concentrated load of 200 pounds (90.6 kg), applied to the top rail at any point and in any direction.
- Capable of withstanding a uniform load of 50 pounds per linear foot (74.3 kg/m) applied to the top rail horizontally with a simultaneous load of 100 pounds per linear foot (148.6 kg/m) applied vertically downward.
- Design need not provide for both concentrated and uniform loads to be applied concurrently.
- Structural performance of railing infill:
- Capable of withstanding a horizontal concentrated load of 200 pounds (90.6 kg), applied to one foot (30.5mm) square area at any point on the infill.
- Infill includes cable, intermediate posts and other elements.
- Design need not provide for infill loads to be applied concurrently with top rail loading.
- Structural Performance: Comply with requirements of applicable local, state, and federal codes.
- RailGuard GC General Construction Safety Railings: OHSA compliant passive fall protection for use during construction of high-rises, elevator shafts, and other fall hazards.
- Description:
- One anchor required per bracket.
- 16 gauge, 1-5/8 inch O.D. welded steel rail sections.
- Length: [5] [7-1/2] [10] feet
- Top Rail Height: 42 inches.
- Mid-Rail Height: 20 inches.
- Toe Board: Integrated welded steel.
- Finish: Powder coated high visibility yellow.
- Base with Rail Posts and Pins: [Dual] [and] [Quad] base mount.
- RailGuard 200: Customizable, non-penetrating safety guardrail system with weighted base.
- Description:
- Standard rail section 16 gauge welded steel.
- Rails: 1.625 inch (41.275 mm) O.D. 16 gage wall HREW tubing.
- Length: [5 feet (1524mm)] [6 feet (1829 mm)] [7 feet (2286mm)] [10 feet (3048 mm)].
- Height: 42 inches (1067 mm).
- Mid-rail: 20 inches (508 mm).
- Finish: [Epoxy powder coated safety yellow] [Epoxy powder coated color as selected] [Hot-dipped galvanized].
- Gate System; 1-5/8 inch (41 mm) O.D. by 0.120 inch (2.7 mm) wall HREW tubing.
- Length: [4 feet (1219 mm)] [5 feet (1524 mm)] [10 feet (3048 mm)].
- Height: 42 inches (1067 mm).
- Mid-rail: 20 inches (508 mm).
- Finish: [Epoxy powder coated safety yellow] [Epoxy powder coated color as selected] [Hot-dipped galvanized].
- Support wheel: positive locking mechanism with ability to swing right or left.
- Base Plates.
- Material: Cast iron class 20B.
- Size: 1 foot 9-1/2 inches by 1 foot 9-1/2 inches (546 by 546 mm).
- Carrying handles: built in with a center carrying hook for base transporter.
- Toeboard receptacles: two, built in.
- Capacity: two railing sections and be able to accommodate adapter to support three or four intersecting rails on the same base.
- Holes: Holes for permanent mounting and round holes for pins securing base to rail.
- Bottom of base must have a concave recess no less than 125 sq. inches (806 sq.cm) to reduce rocking on uneven surfaces.
- Base plate must provide no less than 5 inches (127 mm) of leading edge substrate contact as concentrated load is applied to base.
- Finish: [Epoxy powder coated safety yellow] [Epoxy powder coated color as selected] [Hot-dipped galvanized].
- Four adhesive pads with directional non-skid resistant ridge pattern and minimum 28 sq. inches (180 sq.cm) of substrate contact each shall be adhered to the bottom of base plate to resist slippage on hard surfaces.
- Base Transporter.
- Cart shall be able to carry individual base plates easily.
- Centurion Cart.
- Centurion 4 Wheel cart.
- Cart shall be able to carry eight base plates and seven rail sections.
- Cart shall have a manual winch to raise and lower base plates.
- Goliath Mega Cart.
- Goliath 4 Wheel Cart.
- Carries 190-feet of railing sections along with a 5 foot swing gate, base transporter and steel toeboards.
- Included with Goliath cart are 3 base plate storage racks. Each rack holds 8 base plates. Integrated fork pockets for transport.
- Speed Boards.
- Material: 4 inches (102 mm) wide, zinc plated steel.
- Attachment: Boards shall telescope to fit into toe board brackets on base plate and pinned to the base toe board brackets.
- Description:
- RailGuard 200 Fit-Rite Safety Rail: Configurable and customizable safety guardrail system
- Description
- Rails: Nominal 1.25 inch (1.25 inch diameter) schedule 40 galvanized steel pipe.
- Length: Shipped in 21 foot (1524 mm) sections for fitting on-site.
- Height: 42 inches (1067 mm).
- Mid-rail: 20 inches (508 mm).
- Finish: [Epoxy powder coated safety yellow] [Epoxy powder coated color as selected] [Hot-dipped galvanized].
- Stanchions
- Kit: [Straight] [Curved] [Inclined] stanchion kit.
- Finish: [Epoxy powder coated safety yellow] [Epoxy powder coated color as selected] [Hot-dipped galvanized].
- Rail Fittings: Provide in configurations and quantity for a complete custom layout.
- Base Style
- [Permanent mount fitting] [Standing seam base] [Weighted base]
- Four adhesive pads with directional non-skid resistant ridge pattern and minimum 28 sq. inches (180 sq.cm) of substrate contact each: shall be adhered to the bottom of base plate to resist slippage on hard surfaces.
- Gate System; Self-closing adjustable gate
- Width: [24-30 inches (610-762 mm)] [30-36 inches (762-914 mm)] [36-42 inches (914-1067 mm)] [42-48 inches (1067-1219 mm)]
- Finish: [Epoxy powder coated safety yellow] [Epoxy powder coated color as selected] [Hot-dipped galvanized].
- TurboRail System: No-tool clamp and stanchion rail system that accommodates variable roof conditions and railing material options.
- Description:
- Meets OSHA Requirement: OSHA 1926.502(b)(1)
- Clamps: Heavy duty, 7 gauge, 2 piece steel, clamp on or bolt down
- Stanchions: 16 gauge, 48 in. long
- Railings: accommodates 2 by 4 lumber or steel pipe
- TurboCable System: Clamp-on cable perimeter system allowing an OSHA compliant work zone all the way to the roof edge.
- Description:
- Meets OSHA Requirement: OSHA 1926.502(b)(1)
- Clamps: Heavy duty, 7 gauge, 2 piece steel, clamp on or bolt down
- Stanchions: 16 gauge, 42 in. adjustable height, available as corner, mid-brace, and end, configurations.
- Cable Retainers: TurboClip tool-free connection to stanchions.
- Perimeter Clamp System: Tool-free leading edge clamp and stanchion system designed for use with 2 by 4 lumber, used on flat edge and parapet walls.
- Description:
- Meets OSHA Requirement: OSHA 1926.501(b)(1)
- Adjustable clamp 8 – 24 inches.
- Adjustable stanchion: 42 in.
- Recommended spacing: 6 – 8 ft.
- Slab Grabber General Construction Perimeter Clamp System: Fall protection for new construction slab or deck applications.
- Description:
- Meets OSHA Requirement: OSHA 1926.502(b)
- Heavy Duty Design
- Overall Dimensions: 4 inches by 8.5 inches by 54 inches.
- Spacing: 6 foot to a maximum 8 feet.
- Includes 1 intergrated clamp, 1 stanchion
- Clamping Range: Adjustable from 2 inches to 24 inches.
- Weight: 24 lbs.
- Tires: 18×8.50 Flat-free
- Deck Space 25 inches by 40 inches.
- HatchProtector: Adjustable compression fit design mounts directly to the roof hatch, non-penetrating.
- Meets OSHA Requirements: 1910.23(a) (4) and 1926.501(b) (4).
- Frame: Galvanized steel corner frame and base.
- Rails: Telescoping 1-5/8-inch (41mm) O.D. by 0.065 in. (2.7 mm) wall HREW galvanized tubing for outer tubes.
- Self-closing steel gate
- Top rail height: 42 in.
- Mid rail height: 20 in.
- Grab Bars: [Mini stairway- 1 or 2 required] [Deluxe Stairway- 1 or 2 required] [Ladder- 2 required]
- Size: [30 in. by 36 in.] 36 in. by 36 in.] [30 in. by 54 in.] [30 in. by 96 in.] [36 in. by 54 in.] [36 in. by 96 in.] [42 in. by 42 in.] [48 in. by 48 in.] [48 in. by 60 in.]
- Finish: [galvanized] [Epoxy powder coated safety yellow] [Epoxy powder coated color as selected by Architect].
- LadderGuard: System attaches to both flat or round rails and works on parapet or flat roofs or surfaces. Creates a safety egress and ingress zone to guard roof top ladder access starting 6 feet from leading edge.
- Meets OSHA Requirements: 1910.23(a) (2).
- Rails: Galvanized 1-5/8 inch (41 mm) O.D. by 0.065 inch (2.7 mm) wall HREW tubing.
- Size: 5 foot by 42 inches with 48 inch opening on inboard side.
- Top Rail: 42 inches (1067 mm).
- Mid Rail: 20 inches (508 mm).
- Base Plate: 21.5 inches (546 mm) by 21.5 inches (546 mm).
- Self closing steel gate.
- Finish: [galvanized] [Epoxy powder coated safety yellow] [Epoxy powder coated color as selected by Architect].
- Grab bar adapters: For [2 inch] [3 inch] ladder rails.
- Description:
- Description:
- Description:
- Description:
- Description
- Description:
- RailGuard GC General Construction Safety Railings: OHSA compliant passive fall protection for use during construction of high-rises, elevator shafts, and other fall hazards.
- Do not begin installation until substrates have been properly prepared.
- If substrate preparation is the responsibility of another installer, notify Architect of unsatisfactory preparation before proceeding.
- Prepare surfaces using the methods recommended by the manufacturer for achieving the best result for the substrate under the project conditions.
- Install in accordance with manufacturer’s instructions.
- Before installation, inspect all parts to insure no damaged parts are used.
- [Install diagonal braces on corner stanchions and at terminations of cable runs.]
- [Where there is a danger of falling materials onto someone below insert a steel Speed Board into the toeboard bracket on the base plate and secure with securing pins to base.]
- [Use a Railguard 200 outrigger at any interruption in continuous railing sections. Outrigger assembly consists of a 5 foot railing (1.52 m) with base plate pinned to railing and placed 90 degrees away from danger side of continuous railing.]
- Protect installed products until completion of project.
- Touch-up, repair or replace damaged products before Substantial Completion.